Content Control Cheatsheet

Control Description Can be filtered
Issue Tells the reporting engine to repeat a template section for each Issue in your project.
IssueCounter Counts the total number of issues in your report or a subset of issues. Useful for charts and summary tables.
Node Repeats a template section for every Node in your project.
Node properties Displays the Node properties like services tables, hostnames, and more.
Evidence Repeats a section of the template for each piece of Evidence associated with a vulnerability.
Affected Displays the list of Node labels affected by each Issue.
EvidenceCounter Counts the number of instances of Evidence for a specific Issue associated for a Node.
Methodology and Task Displays the Methodology associated with your project as well as the tasks and descriptions.
Note Repeats a template section for every Note in your project.

Next help article: Uploading the template →

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